"Experience the ancient Biblical story of David through new eyes and in a way you've never before imagined. In this stunning, full-color, 24 page comic, a brand new series begins that will bring it's readers to grips with the character of God, encourage them to examine their faith, and inspire them to write their own Chronicles of Faith!"
We were approached by Brannon Hollingsworth from Brainy Pixel Productions about a new project they were collaborating on last year. It was evident that he was very excited and passionate about the project, although he wouldn't share with me specifically what it was. Fast forward to this year, and we were able to chat with Brannon, Ivan Anaya, and Ernesto Mena (both from Mercy Ways Studios) about that project: a new comic book series, titled Chronicles of Faith: David. This interview was featured on the Infinity Bros Podcast as a Bonus Minisode, and led to the review that you are reading right now.
Chronicles of Faith: David is a story about one of the most famous Biblical characters told by the character himself. David is now king of Israel, and holds many stories about his adventures leading up to that point. And who better to tell those stories to than his eager son Solomon, who looks up to his father as a great man and king? We dive into Princess Bride-esque storytelling by a loving father, hoping to pass on his wisdom to his son, who would eventually become the wisest king of all time. The overarching story that weaves in and out of the narration is lighthearted and easy to follow, breaking the typical pattern of how Biblical stories are often told in modern media. The art is beautiful and unique; I tip my hat to the team on the style and coloring, as well as the emotion that they are able to portray in their characters.
The comic opens about how you would expect it to, with the classic story of David and Goliath. Just when you think this is going to play out like every other Biblical graphic novel you've ever read, they interrupt the story in Fred Savage-like fashion, as David's son Solomon exclaims what every reader is thinking: "We already know this story!" What about all the other cool stuff David did? Solomon wants to hear the other stories, and I don't blame him; so do I. Ivan and the team do a wonderful job of taking the well-known events of David's life, and displaying them from a different perspective: his own. As David retells the story of his life, he reflects on what God has done for him through these stories, and emphasizes to Solomon the importance of God's role in each of them. It's a thoughtful and meaningful reflection of the past events in his own life.
While the art is superb and the story is solid, there is one thing that I will say about this comic book. My first impression is that this comic was written for people who already know the story of David. While I'm not sure if this was the intent of the writers, it comes across as an enjoyable read for someone who is familiar with context, but could be a little more difficult to get invested in for someone who isn't. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with media that is geared toward Christians, but there is something to be said about a story that can capture any reader, regardless of the intent or context behind it. This is just the first issue of the series, so that is something that could surely change in the course of the coming comics, but nevertheless was something that stood out to me while I was reading it. When I start reading a comic, what I'm looking for is a good comic; not a good "Christian" comic. I can firmly say that the art and story in this comic is solid, but the context does leave some to be desired, and the fact that it is pulled straight from the pages of the Bible may be a hindrance to some. Not I, as I enjoyed it, but I can see where this comic would have a hard time connecting with some readers.
Overall, I would give this comic at 3.5 out of 6 Infinity Stones. The art is wonderful, the storytelling is creative, and the comic panels flow beautifully due to the intertwining of these two very well done aspects; but it didn't blow me away. The opening issue doesn't have the "it" factor that captivated me and left me pining for more. An opening comic in a series really has to grab me to get a high score, as I can't see the whole picture just yet. I think this series has the potential to raise that score, but this little taste of the life of David just wasn't enough to tide me over until the next issue. Based on our conversation on the Chronicles of Faith: David Minisode, I'm really excited for the future of this series, as they explore the Biblical pillars of faith from a fresh new perspective.
Infinity Bro Isaac is just a dude who likes comics. Check out the rest of The Daily Snap for more of his reviews!